Ambraliquida (Liquid Amber) Body Cream by L'Erbolario Lodi

Ambraliquida (Liquid Amber) Body Cream by L'Erbolario Lodi Reviews

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One hears the echo of a remote and ancient Byzantine atmosphere when the senses encounter the mysterious and secret fragrance that characterizes the products of the Ambraliquida Line by L'Erbolario. Slowly, it evokes a vision of the tapestry of red and gold leaves at the foot of the tall trees of Liquid Amber Orientalis found in a dense forest in Marmanis in Turkey. The extract from this noble tree enriches the formula for this line with the precious properties of antioxidants and antiradicals necessary to maintain skin tone as well as softness.

Ambraliquida Body Cream caresses the skin with a rich and creamy moisturizer and a fragrance which remains subtle yet sweet. This can only be achieved with the proper blend of ingredients such as Pistachio Oil and Butter combined with Sesame Seed Oil, Vitamin E and the extract of the Liquid Amber tree.

Each jar contains 8 fluid ounces (200 ml.) of Ambraliquida Body Cream by L'Erbolario.

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Jun 08, 2011 02:31:03


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